Datos de especímenes usados en

László, Z., C. Looney, H. Prázsmári, E. Poor, and J. D. Shorthouse. 2024. The cynipid gall wasp Diplolepis rosae is more successful in North America than in Europe because of enemy release. Insect Conservation and Diversity. https://doi.org/10.1111/icad.12745

Nombre científico Colectado por Identificado por Fecha de colecta Fecha de identificación Familia Institución Número de catálogo Estatus de tipo Base del Registro
colectó identificó Diplolepis rosae J.D. Shorthouse Joe Shorthouse 01-May-1994 Cynipidae DRO-C10 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Diplolepis rosae R.W. and A. West Joe Shorthouse 10-Oct-1987 Cynipidae DRO-E4 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Diplolepis rosae R.W. and A. West Joe Shorthouse 10-Oct-1987 Cynipidae DRO-E3 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Diplolepis rosae J.D. Shorthouse Joe Shorthouse 01-May-1994 Cynipidae DRO-C8 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Diplolepis rosae J.D. Shorthouse Joe Shorthouse 28-Apr-2003 Cynipidae DRO-C4 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Diplolepis rosae J.D. Shorthouse Joe Shorthouse 28-Apr-2003 Cynipidae DRO-C3 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Diplolepis rosae J.D. Shorthouse Joe Shorthouse 01-May-1994 Cynipidae DRO-C6 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Diplolepis rosae J.D. Shorthouse Joe Shorthouse 28-Apr-2003 Cynipidae DRO-C2 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Diplolepis rosae J.D. Shorthouse Joe Shorthouse 28-Apr-2003 Cynipidae DROSAE-C2 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Diplolepis rosae J.D. Shorthouse Joe Shorthouse 01-May-1994 Cynipidae DRO-C7 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Diplolepis rosae J.D. Shorthouse Joe Shorthouse 01-May-1994 Cynipidae DRO-C9 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Diplolepis rosae R.W. and A. West Joe Shorthouse 10-Oct-1987 Cynipidae DRO-E2 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Diplolepis rosae R.W. and A. West Joe Shorthouse 10-Oct-1987 Cynipidae DRO-E5 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Diplolepis rosae R.W. and A. West Joe Shorthouse 10-Oct-1987 Cynipidae DRO-E1 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Diplolepis rosae J.D. Shorthouse Joe Shorthouse 28-Apr-2003 Cynipidae DRO-C5 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN