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Nombre científico Colectado por Identificado por Fecha de colecta Fecha de identificación Familia Institución Número de catálogo Estatus de tipo Base del Registro
colectó identificó Urocitellus undulatus Collector(s): Mongolia Expedition 2015; Preparator(s): Mongolia Expedition 2015 Bryan S. McLean 2015-08-12/2015-08-13 2015-08-12 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:289612 voucher of <a href=" undulatus">urocitellus undulatus</a> in <a href="">b. s. mclean et al. 2018</a> PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Urocitellus undulatus Collector(s): Mongolian Vertebrate Parasite Project 2012, Bryan S. McLean Jonathan L. Dunnum 2012-07-02 2016-08-03 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:265411 voucher of <a href=" undulatus">urocitellus undulatus</a> in <a href="">b. s. mclean et al. 2018</a> PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Urocitellus undulatus Collector(s): Mongolian Vertebrate Parasite Project 2012, Scott L. Gardner; Preparator(s): Bryan S. McLean Jonathan L. Dunnum 2012-06-28 2016-08-03 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:265240 voucher of <a href=" undulatus">urocitellus undulatus</a> in <a href="">b. s. mclean et al. 2018</a> PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Urocitellus undulatus Collector(s): Mongolian Vertebrate Parasite Project 2012; Preparator(s): Bryan S. McLean Jonathan L. Dunnum 2012-06-25 2016-08-03 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:265225 voucher of <a href=" undulatus">urocitellus undulatus</a> in <a href="">b. s. mclean et al. 2018</a> PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Urocitellus undulatus Collector(s): Mongolian Vertebrate Parasite Project 2012; Preparator(s): Bryan S. McLean Jonathan L. Dunnum 2012-06-17 2016-08-03 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:265027 voucher of <a href=" undulatus">urocitellus undulatus</a> in <a href="">b. s. mclean et al. 2018</a> PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Urocitellus undulatus Collector(s): Mongolian Vertebrate Parasite Project 2012; Preparator(s): Bryan S. McLean Jonathan L. Dunnum 2012-06-17 2016-08-03 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:265026 voucher of <a href=" undulatus">urocitellus undulatus</a> in <a href="">b. s. mclean et al. 2018</a> PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus elegans elegans Collector(s): John R. Demboski; Preparator(s): Mel Kyer Bryan S. McLean 2009-07-24 2016 Sciuridae DMNS DMNS:Mamm:12323 voucher of <a href=" elegans elegans">urocitellus elegans elegans</a> in <a href="">mclean et al. 2016</a> PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Urocitellus beldingi Collector(s): Bryan S. McLean Bryan S. McLean 2014-08-17 2017-01-18 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:284818 voucher of <a href=" beldingi">urocitellus beldingi</a> in <a href="">mclean et al. 2016</a> PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Urocitellus beldingi Collector(s): Bryan S. McLean, Idaho Sciurid Survey 2013; Preparator(s): Bryan S. McLean Bryan S. McLean 2013-08-12 2015-05-06 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:269940 voucher of <a href=" beldingi">urocitellus beldingi</a> in <a href="">mclean et al. 2016</a> PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Urocitellus beldingi Collector(s): Bryan S. McLean, Idaho Sciurid Survey 2013, Schuyler W. Liphardt; Preparator(s): Bryan S. McLean Jonathan L. Dunnum 2013-08-11 2016-10-24 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:269923 unknown type of <a href=" beldingi">urocitellus beldingi</a> in <a href="">placeholder for type specimens</a> PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): University of New Mexico Mammalogy Class 2016 [JA Cook] Bryan S. McLean 2007-06-05 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305373 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): University of New Mexico Mammalogy Class 2016 [JA Cook] Bryan S. McLean 2010-04-15 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305350 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): University of New Mexico Mammalogy Class 2016 [JA Cook] Bryan S. McLean 2008-05-02 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305359 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): University of New Mexico Mammalogy Class 2016 [JA Cook] Bryan S. McLean 2009-06-13 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305336 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): University of New Mexico Mammalogy Class 2016 [JA Cook] Bryan S. McLean 2007-03-22 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305369 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): University of New Mexico Mammalogy Class 2016 [JA Cook] Bryan S. McLean 2008-05-30 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305361 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): University of New Mexico Mammalogy Class 2016 [JA Cook] Bryan S. McLean 2008-06-06 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305360 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): University of New Mexico Mammalogy Class 2016 [JA Cook] Bryan S. McLean 2001-06-24 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305366 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): University of New Mexico Mammalogy Class 2016 [JA Cook] Bryan S. McLean 2007-03-06 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305370 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): University of New Mexico Mammalogy Class 2016 [JA Cook] Bryan S. McLean 2009-02-02 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305376 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): University of New Mexico Mammalogy Class 2016 [JA Cook] Bryan S. McLean 2005-03-30 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305348 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): University of New Mexico Mammalogy Class 2016 [JA Cook] Bryan S. McLean 2009-05-26 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305338 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): University of New Mexico Mammalogy Class 2016 [JA Cook] Bryan S. McLean 2005-03-30 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305343 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): University of New Mexico Mammalogy Class 2016 [JA Cook] Bryan S. McLean 2004-08-04 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305346 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): University of New Mexico Mammalogy Class 2016 [JA Cook] Bryan S. McLean 2008-05-03 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305363 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): University of New Mexico Mammalogy Class 2016 [JA Cook] Bryan S. McLean 2009-05-22 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305353 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): Shannon L. Archuleta Bryan S. McLean 2004-06-29 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305356 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): Kaitlyn E. Olson Bryan S. McLean 2009-06-13 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305354 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): University of New Mexico Mammalogy Class 2016 [JA Cook] Bryan S. McLean 2009-03-29 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305330 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Urocitellus richardsonii Collector(s): Gail R. Michener; Preparator(s): University of New Mexico Mammalogy Class 2016 [JA Cook] Bryan S. McLean 2007-06-26 2016-10-01 Sciuridae MSB MSB:Mamm:305368 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN