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Cooper, N., A. L. Bond, J. L. Davis, R. Portela Miguez, L. Tomsett, and K. M. Helgen. 2019. Sex biases in bird and mammal natural history collections. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286: 20192025. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2019.2025

Nombre científico Colectado por Identificado por Fecha de colecta Fecha de identificación Familia Institución Número de catálogo Estatus de tipo Base del Registro
identificó Nycteris grandis Peters, 1865 Van Cakenberghe, Victor|Van Cakenberghe, Victor Nycteridae MNHN MO-1962-2635 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Eptesicus nilssoni (Keyserling & Blasius, 1839) Petter, Francis|Petter, Francis VAN CAKENBERGHE V. 1956-10-26 Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1985-947 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Pipistrellus (Pipistrellus) kuhlii Kuhl, 1817 Ducrot|Ducrot VAN CAKENBERGHE V. 1961-04 Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1985-660 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Eptesicus (Eptesicus) serotinus serotinus Schreber, 1774 Snarsen|Bervé|Snarsen VAN CAKENBERGHE V. 1955 Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1985-1983 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Scotophilus nigrita Schreber, 1774 Vuattoux, R.|Vuattoux, R. VAN CAKENBERGHE V. 1962-02-16 Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1985-1711 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Pipistrellus (Pipistrellus) ceylonicus Kelaart, 1852 Brosset, André|Brosset, André VAN CAKENBERGHE V. Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1985-1585 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Scotophilus borbonicus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire E., 1803 VAN CAKENBERGHE V. 1898-04-29 Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1984-433 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Pipistrellus nanus (Peters, 1852) Pujol, Raymond|Pujol, Raymond VAN CAKENBERGHE V. Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1984-296 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Pipistrellus nanus (Peters, 1852) Pujol, Raymond|Pujol, Raymond VAN CAKENBERGHE V. Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1984-290 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Pipistrellus nanus (Peters, 1852) Pujol, Raymond|Pujol, Raymond VAN CAKENBERGHE V. Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1984-289 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Pipistrellus nanus (Peters, 1852) Pujol, Raymond|Pujol, Raymond VAN CAKENBERGHE V. 1968-11-10 Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1984-247 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Pipistrellus (Pipistrellus) rusticus Tomes, 1861 Roux, Francis|Roux, Francis VAN CAKENBERGHE V. 1964-04-24 Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1984-1251 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Pipistrellus (Pipistrellus) javanicus Gray, 1838 Pfeffer, Pierre|Pfeffer, Pierre VAN CAKENBERGHE V. Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1982-146 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Eptesicus capensis (Smith A., 1829) Dorst, Jean|Dorst, Jean VAN CAKENBERGHE V. Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1972-492 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Pipistrellus (Pipistrellus) pipistrellus pipistrellus Schreber, 1774 Mottaz, Charles|Mottaz, Charles VAN CAKENBERGHE V. Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1962-1074 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Pipistrellus (Perimyotis) subflavus Cuvier F., 1832 Hanning, T. G.|Hanning, T. G. VAN CAKENBERGHE V. Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1958-180 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Eptesicus capensis (Smith A., 1829) Chabaud, A.|Chabaud, A. VAN CAKENBERGHE V. Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1957-1447 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Eptesicus capensis (Smith A., 1829) Delacour, Jean|Delacour, Jean VAN CAKENBERGHE V. Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1947-860 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Pipistrellus (Pipistrellus) sp. Kaup, 1829 Mottaz, Charles|Mottaz, Charles VAN CAKENBERGHE V. Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1933-1789 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Pipistrellus (Pipistrellus) kuhlii Kuhl, 1817 Mottaz, Charles|Mottaz, Charles VAN CAKENBERGHE V. Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1933-1788 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Pipistrellus (Pipistrellus) kuhlii Kuhl, 1817 Mottaz, Charles|Mottaz, Charles VAN CAKENBERGHE V. Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1932-4257 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Pipistrellus crassulus Thomas, 1904 Petit|Petit VAN CAKENBERGHE V. Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1884-753 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Eptesicus (Eptesicus) serotinus serotinus Schreber, 1774 Lataste, Fernand|Lataste, Fernand VAN CAKENBERGHE V. Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1884-2014 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Eptesicus (Eptesicus) brasiliensis Desmarest, 1819 Lasseaux|Lasseaux VAN CAKENBERGHE V. Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1867-402 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Eptesicus (Eptesicus) brasiliensis Desmarest, 1819 Lasseaux|Lasseaux VAN CAKENBERGHE V. Vespertilionidae MNHN MO-1867-401 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN