Datos de especímenes usados en

Petersen, K. B., and M. Burd. 2018. The adaptive value of heterospory: Evidence from Selaginella. Evolution 72: 1080–1091. https://doi.org/10.1111/evo.13484

Nombre científico Colectado por Identificado por Fecha de colecta Fecha de identificación Familia Institución Número de catálogo Estatus de tipo Base del Registro
colectó Selaginella sp. Poilane Middleton 1941-2-24 Pteridophyta MNHN P01323347 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella chrysorrhizos Spring Poilane, E. Shalimov 1920-9-20 Selaginellaceae MNHN P01462316 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella myosurus (Sw.) Alston Poilane, E. 1920-11-23 Selaginellaceae MNHN P00523057 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella ornata (Hook & Grev.) Spring Poilane, E. Shalimov 1939-1-22 Selaginellaceae MNHN P01254048 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella tamariscina (P.Beauv.) Spring Poilane, E. Zhang 1922-2-27 Selaginellaceae MNHN P01244600 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella myosurus (Sw.) Alston Poilane, E. 1920-11-23 Selaginellaceae MNHN P00523056 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella petelotii Alston Poilane, E. Shalimov 1923-7-22 Selaginellaceae MNHN P01293750 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella tamariscina (P.Beauv.) Spring Poilane, E. Zhang 1923-8-26 Selaginellaceae MNHN P01244647 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella tamariscina (P.Beauv.) Spring Poilane, E. Zhang 1923-3-6 Selaginellaceae MNHN P01244598 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella tamariscina (P.Beauv.) Spring Poilane, E. Shalimov 1923-9-9 Selaginellaceae MNHN P01254043 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella frondosa M. Poilane 1920-02-08 Selaginellaceae US US 1379863 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella picta M. Poilane 1920-09-13 Selaginellaceae US US 1379862 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella pubescens -. Poilane 1920-07-04 Selaginellaceae US US 1379861 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella tamariscina -. Poilane 1922-02-27 Selaginellaceae US US 1431773 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella sp. -. Poilane Selaginellaceae US US 3029915 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella repanda -. Poilane Selaginellaceae US US 3029914 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella sp. Poilane Middleton 1941-2-24 Pteridophyta MNHN P01323348 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella dolichoclada Alston Poilane Alston 1920-9-13 Selaginellaceae MNHN P00523043 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella sp. Poilane Middleton 1940-9-27 Pteridophyta MNHN P01323350 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella sp. Poilane Middleton 1941-2-24 Pteridophyta MNHN P01323349 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella dolichoclada Alston Poilane 1920-9-13 Selaginellaceae MNHN P00523044 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella sp. Poilane Middleton 1940-9-27 Pteridophyta MNHN P01323351 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Selaginella dolichoclada Alston Poilane 1920-9-13 Selaginellaceae MNHN P00523045 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN