Nombre científico Colectado por Identificado por Fecha de colecta Fecha de identificación Familia Institución Número de catálogo Estatus de tipo Base del Registro
colectó Raoulia Armstrong, J., B. 1885-01-26 00:00:00.0000000 Asteraceae K K000910299 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Hebe ciliolata Armstrong, J.B. 1867-03-01 00:00:00.0000000 Plantaginaceae K K001070681 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Hebe × kirkii Armstrong, J.B. Plantaginaceae K K001070668 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Hebe armstrongii Armstrong, J.B. Plantaginaceae K K001070620 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Hebe Armstrong, J.B. 1866-01-01 00:00:00.0000000 Plantaginaceae K K001070658 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Corybas macranthus Armstrong, J.B. 1866-01-01 00:00:00.0000000 Orchidaceae K K000942587 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Juncus novae-zelandiae Armstrong, J.B. Johnson, L. 1867-01-01 00:00:00.0000000 Juncaceae K K000906750 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Brachyglottis bellidioides Haast, J.F.J.; Armstrong, J.B. 1867-01-01 00:00:00.0000000 Asteraceae K K000844013 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Brachyglottis cassinioides Armstrong, J.B. 1865-02-01 00:00:00.0000000 Asteraceae K K000844030 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Brachyglottis bellidioides Haast, J.F.J.; Armstrong, J.B. 1867-08-01 00:00:00.0000000 Asteraceae K K000844014 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Clematis afoliata Armstrong, J.B. 1866-01-01 00:00:00.0000000 Ranunculaceae K K000675272 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Veronica armstrongii Johnson ex J.B.Armstr. Joseph Armstrong nom. rev. Plantaginaceae NMNZ SP017507 uncertain of veronica armstrongii johnson ex j.b.armstr. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Clematis marata J.B.Armstr. Joseph Armstrong Ranunculaceae NMNZ SP025789 uncertain of clematis marata j.b.armstr. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Corallospartium crassicaule (Hook.f.) J.B.Armstr. Joseph Beattie Armstrong 1867 Fabaceae CHR CHR 636885 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Grammitis pumila J.B.Armstr. Joseph Beattie Armstrong 1867 Polypodiaceae CHR CHR 633437 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Hebe ciliolata Armstrong, J.B. 1867-03-01 00:00:00.0000000 Plantaginaceae K K001070679 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Clematis marata J.B.Armstr. Joseph Armstrong 1869 Ranunculaceae NMNZ SP025788/A syntype of clematis marata j.b.armstr. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Clematis marata J.B.Armstr. Joseph Armstrong 1869 Ranunculaceae NMNZ SP025788/B syntype of clematis marata j.b.armstr. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Ophioglossum minimum J.B.Armstr. Joseph Beattie Armstrong Patrick J. Brownsey 2014-10 Ophioglossaceae CHR CHR 633611 syntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Veronica ×loganioides J.B.Armstr. John Francis Armstrong Joseph B. Armstrong Plantaginaceae CHR CHR 332357 part of type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Cystopteris novae-zealandiae J.B.Armstr. Joseph Beattie Armstrong Joseph B. Armstrong 1867 Cystopteridaceae CHR CHR 640873 lectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Ophioglossum minimum J.B.Armstr. Joseph Beattie Armstrong Patrick J. Brownsey | Leon R. Perrie 1864 Ophioglossaceae CHR CHR 633610 lectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Hebe amplexicaulis f. amplexicaulis (J.B.Armstr.) Cockayne & Allan J B Armstrong 01/Jan/1862 Plantaginaceae AK AK8135 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Corysanthes cheesemanii Hook.f. ex Kirk Thomas F. Cheeseman | Joseph Beattie Armstrong Orchidaceae CHR CHR 291054 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Clematis afoliata Buchanan Joseph Beattie Armstrong 1864 Ranunculaceae CHR CHR 633668 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Epilobium rotundifolium G.Forst. Joseph Beattie Armstrong 1867 Onagraceae CHR CHR 634004 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Pittosporum eugenioides A.Cunn. Joseph Beattie Armstrong Pittosporaceae CHR CHR 634120 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Gunnera dentata Kirk Joseph Beattie Armstrong Arnold Wall Gunneraceae CHR CHR 634011 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Lagenophora strangulata Colenso Joseph Beattie Armstrong David G. Drury 1869 1973-08-01 Asteraceae CHR CHR 634791 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Alepis flavida (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Joseph Beattie Armstrong Debby Redmond 2017-09-28 Loranthaceae CHR CHR 634349 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN