Nombre científico Colectado por Identificado por Fecha de colecta Fecha de identificación Familia Institución Número de catálogo Estatus de tipo Base del Registro
colectó Xerocomus illudens (Peck) Singer A. H. Beers 1941-08-09 Boletaceae FH barcode-00527856 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Boletus auripes Peck A. H. Beers 1940-09-01 Boletaceae FH barcode-00489071 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Suillus subluteus (Peck) Snell A. H. Beers 1941-08-29 Suillaceae FH barcode-00546276 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Boletus subfraternus Coker, William Chambers; Holland Beers, Alma 1941-08-10 Boletaceae NCU NCU-F-0002546 topotypic paratype of boletus subfraternus coker & beers, in d.j. meyers & cotter, index fungorum 412: 1 (2019). PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Boletus subaureus var. siccipes Holland Beers, Alma 1941-08-18 Boletaceae NCU NCU-F-0002532 syntype of boletus subaureus var. siccipes coker & beers, p. 83 in william chambers coker & alma holland beers. 1943. "the boletaceae of north carolina". the university of north carolina press. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó identificó Botrychium dissectum Coker, William Chambers; Holland Beers, Alma Evans, A. Murray 1941-08-10 1968-00-00 Ophioglossaceae NCU NCU00022629 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Sarcodon underwoodii Holland Beers, Alma; Coker, William Chambers Baird, R. E. 1941-08-12 1983-10-13 Bankeraceae NCU NCU-F-0008372 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Boletus castaneus Holland Beers, Alma 1941-08-29 Gyroporaceae NCU NCU-F-0001426 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Boletus projectellus Coker, William Chambers; Holland Beers, Alma; Sherwin, Helen Shadd 1942-10-24 Boletaceae NCU NCU-F-0002205 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN