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Mendes, D. S., C. E. Borges, E. A. de Oliveira, A. C. Batista, C. A. da Conceição, T. S. Duque, F. H. V. Araújo, et al. 2024. Assessing current environmental conditions and climate change influences on Syngonanthus nitens (Bong.) Ruhland: an endemic species and economic resource for extractive communities as globally important agricultural heritage systems. Discover Conservation 1. https://doi.org/10.1007/s44353-024-00007-x

Nombre científico Colectado por Identificado por Fecha de colecta Fecha de identificación Familia Institución Número de catálogo Estatus de tipo Base del Registro
identificó Syngonanthus nitens Ruhland B. Maguire;N.T. Silva,J.M. Pires,C.K. Maguire H.N. Moldenke 24/8/1963 1965 Eriocaulaceae K K000988670 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens Ruhland Goldsmith H.N. Moldenke 5/1973 Eriocaulaceae K K000988665 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens Ruhland H.S. Irwin;T.R. Soderstrom H.N. Moldenke 17/8/1964 1971 Eriocaulaceae K K000988649 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus kuhlmannii Moldenke Ferreira, C.A.C.;Ramos, J. Moldenke, H.N. 13/7/1980 1981 Eriocaulaceae MG MG077164 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens var. hirtulus Ruhland V. Luetzelburg H.N. Moldenke --/10/1910 8/1974 Eriocaulaceae K K000988655 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens var. koernickei Ruhland H. S. Irwin H. N. Moldenke 1971 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00898560 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens (Bong.) Ruhland H. A. Weddell H. N. Moldenke 7/8/1844 3/1952 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00898863 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens var. koernickei Ruhland E. P. Heringer H. N. Moldenke 6/8/1981 1/1983 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00898557 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens var. hirtulus Ruhland E. P. Heringer H. N. Moldenke 12/8/1982 11/1983 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00898554 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens var. hirtulus Ruhland G. M. Magalhaes H. N. Moldenke 19/9/1940 8/1974 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00898553 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens var. hirtulus Ruhland F. C. Hoehne H. N. Moldenke --/8/1917 1/8/1974 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00538283 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens var. hirtulus Ruhland G. C. G. Argent H. N. Moldenke 20/9/1967 1/8/1974 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00538345 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens var. hirtulus Ruhland G. Eiten H. N. Moldenke 20/9/1960 1/12/1961 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00538281 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens (Bong.) Ruhland G. Gardner H. N. Moldenke --/1841/1836 1/3/1952 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00538288 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens var. filiformis (Bong.) Ruhland R. Reitz H. N. Moldenke 1/8/1974 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00538286 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens var. filiformis (Bong.) Ruhland G. G. Hatschbach H. N. Moldenke 10/10/1968 1970 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00538285 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens var. hirtulus Ruhland Stephan H. N. Moldenke --/--/1843 1/8/1974 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00538284 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens var. hirtulus Ruhland I. Mimura H. N. Moldenke 8/8/1962 1/10/1972 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00538282 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens form. pilosus Moldenke G. O. A. Malme H. N. Moldenke 18/7/1902 1/2/1952 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00103680 typus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens form. malmii Moldenke G. O. A. Malme H. N. Moldenke 2/8/1902 1/2/1952 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00103679 typus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens var. koernickei Ruhland H. L. de M. Barreto H. N. Moldenke 24/8/1933 11/1950 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00898563 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens (Bong.) Ruhland P. H. Davis H. N. Moldenke 12/1977 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00898315 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens var. koernickei Ruhland H. S. Irwin H. N. Moldenke 1971 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00898561 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens var. koernickei Ruhland H. L. de M. Barreto H. N. Moldenke 31/8/1933 11/1950 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00898564 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens form. pilosus Moldenke A. Macedo H. N. Moldenke 25/7/1951 s. d. Eriocaulaceae NY NY01038707 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens form. pilosus Moldenke P. W. Richards H. N. Moldenke 22/7/1968 s. d. Eriocaulaceae NY NY01038705 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens form. pilosus Moldenke B. Maguire H. N. Moldenke 24/8/1963 s. d. Eriocaulaceae NY NY01038706 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens var. hirtulus Ruhland P. von Luetzelburg H. N. Moldenke --/8/1912 8/1974 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00898556 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens var. koernickei Ruhland H. S. Irwin H. N. Moldenke 8/1974 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00898559 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Syngonanthus nitens var. hirtulus Ruhland E. P. Heringer H. N. Moldenke 17/7/1979 8/1981 Eriocaulaceae NY NY00898555 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN