Nombre científico Colectado por Identificado por Fecha de colecta Fecha de identificación Familia Institución Número de catálogo Estatus de tipo Base del Registro
colectó Panicum tenue G. H. Muhlenberg Poaceae US US 2808884 type fragment PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Panicum depauperatum G. H. Muhlenberg Poaceae US US 80662 type fragment PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Melica racemosa Muhl., nom. illeg. G. H. Muhlenberg Poaceae US US 1535791 type collection PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Panicum aquaticum Muhl., nom. illeg. G. H. Muhlenberg Poaceae US US 80466 type collection PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Melica speciosa G. H. Muhlenberg Poaceae US US 100076 type collection PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Holcus fragrans G. H. Muhlenberg Poaceae US US 99921 type collection PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Elymus ciliatus G. H. Muhlenberg Soreng, Robert J., Research Associate (BOT), Smithsonian Institution - National Museum of Natural History (UNITED STATES) Poaceae US US 865943 possible type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Elymus glaucifolius G. H. Muhlenberg Soreng, Robert J., Research Associate (BOT), Smithsonian Institution - National Museum of Natural History (UNITED STATES) Poaceae US US 865937 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Oryzopsis melanocarpa G. H. Muhlenberg Poaceae US US 1535793 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Elymus canadensis G. H. Muhlenberg Poaceae US US 865945 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Melica speciosa G. H. Muhlenberg Soreng, Robert J., Research Associate (BOT), Smithsonian Institution - National Museum of Natural History (UNITED STATES) Poaceae US US 100070 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN