Datos de especímenes usados en

Lewthwaite, J. M. M., and A. Ø. Mooers. 2021. Geographical homogenization but little net change in the local richness of Canadian butterflies A. Baselga [ed.],. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31: 266–279. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.13426

Nombre científico Colectado por Identificado por Fecha de colecta Fecha de identificación Familia Institución Número de catálogo Estatus de tipo Base del Registro
colectó Glaucopsyche lygdamus couperi Grote, 1874 John B. Wallis [no agent data] 1912-06-09 Lycaenidae MCZ 194653 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Glaucopsyche lygdamus J.B.WALLIS 1952 Lycaenidae CNC 148470 OCCURRENCE
colectó Celastrina ladon J.B.WALLIS 1949 Lycaenidae CNC 147954 OCCURRENCE
colectó Celastrina ladon J.B.WALLIS 1949 Lycaenidae CNC 147941 OCCURRENCE
colectó Colias christina J.B.WALLIS 1950 Pieridae NFCE 253872 OCCURRENCE
colectó Glaucopsyche lygdamus J.B.WALLIS 1952 Lycaenidae CNC 148459 OCCURRENCE
colectó Celastrina ladon J.B.WALLIS 1949 Lycaenidae NFCE 253959 OCCURRENCE
colectó Colias eurytheme J.B.WALLIS 1949 Pieridae CNC 152672 OCCURRENCE
colectó Celastrina ladon J.B.WALLIS 1949 Lycaenidae CNC 147960 OCCURRENCE
colectó Celastrina ladon J.B.WALLIS 1949 Lycaenidae CNC 147963 OCCURRENCE
colectó Euchloe ausonides J.B.WALLIS 1950 Pieridae ubc 430934 OCCURRENCE
colectó Boloria selene J.B.WALLIS 1952 Nymphalidae CNC 136640 OCCURRENCE
colectó Glaucopsyche lygdamus J.B.WALLIS 1952 Lycaenidae CNC 148472 OCCURRENCE
colectó Glaucopsyche lygdamus J.B.WALLIS 1952 Lycaenidae CNC 148461 OCCURRENCE
colectó Boloria chariclea J.B.WALLIS 1952 Nymphalidae CNC 138200 OCCURRENCE
colectó Glaucopsyche lygdamus J.B.WALLIS 1952 Lycaenidae CNC 148469 OCCURRENCE
colectó Celastrina ladon J.B.WALLIS 1949 Lycaenidae NFCE 253958 OCCURRENCE
colectó Boloria selene J.B.WALLIS 1952 Nymphalidae CNC 136643 OCCURRENCE
colectó Glaucopsyche lygdamus J.B.WALLIS 1952 Lycaenidae CNC 148464 OCCURRENCE
colectó Celastrina ladon J.B.WALLIS 1949 Lycaenidae CNC 147959 OCCURRENCE
colectó Glaucopsyche lygdamus J.B.WALLIS 1952 Lycaenidae CNC 148471 OCCURRENCE
colectó Glaucopsyche lygdamus J.B.WALLIS 1952 Lycaenidae CNC 148466 OCCURRENCE
colectó Colias christina J.B.WALLIS 1950 Pieridae NFCE 253871 OCCURRENCE
colectó Coenonympha tullia mcisaaci J.B.WALLIS 1930 Nymphalidae NFCE 254070 OCCURRENCE
colectó Celastrina ladon J.B.WALLIS 1949 Lycaenidae CNC 147945 OCCURRENCE
colectó Celastrina ladon J.B.WALLIS 1949 Lycaenidae CNC 147952 OCCURRENCE
colectó Ochlodes sylvanoides J.B.WALLIS 1912 Hesperiidae NFCE 253808 OCCURRENCE
colectó Glaucopsyche lygdamus J.B.WALLIS 1952 Lycaenidae CNC 148468 OCCURRENCE
colectó Celastrina ladon J.B.WALLIS 1949 Lycaenidae CNC 147944 OCCURRENCE
colectó Celastrina ladon J.B.WALLIS 1949 Lycaenidae CNC 147946 OCCURRENCE