Nombre científico Colectado por Identificado por Fecha de colecta Fecha de identificación Familia Institución Número de catálogo Estatus de tipo Base del Registro
identificó Hudsonia montana Nutt. Collector unspecified L. E. Morse 1979 Cistaceae NY 94966 possible isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia ericoides f. leucantha Fernald M. L. Fernald L. E. Morse 1914-07-06 1979-09-01 Cistaceae NY 94965 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia ericoides f. leucantha Fernald M. L. Fernald L. E. Morse 1914-07-06 1979-09-01 Cistaceae NY 94964 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia ericoides f. leucantha Merritt L. Fernald, Harold St. John Larry E. Morse 1914-07-06 1979 Cistaceae YPM YU.001639 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Gymnocarpium appalachianum Pryer & Haufler K. M. Pryer, J. Klein & L. E. Morse 1988-07-06 Cystopteridaceae GH barcode-00021272 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Gymnocarpium ×morseanum Pryer & Windham K. M. Pryer, J. Klein & L. E. Morse 1988-07-07 Athyriaceae GH barcode-00021273 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Gymnocarpium appalachianum Pryer, Kathleen M. ; Klein, J. ; Morse, Larry E. Eason, Erica - Canadian Museum of Nature 1988-07-06 2024-03-27 Cystopteridaceae CMN CAN 10187655 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
colectó Gymnocarpium appalachianum Pryer, Kathleen M. ; Morse, Larry E. ; Klein, J. Eason, Erica - Canadian Museum of Nature 1988-07-07 2024-03-27 Cystopteridaceae CMN CAN 10187656 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Cooper, William S. Larry E. Morse 1936 1979-09-00 Cistaceae MIN 375853 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Dahl, A. O. Larry E. Morse 1952 1979-09-00 Cistaceae MIN 451229 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Davis, J. J. Larry E. Morse 1908 1979-09-00 Cistaceae MIN 399861 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa S. W. Leonard Larry E. Morse 1969 1979 Cistaceae USU UTC00267593 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Dr. J. H. Sandberg Larry E. Morse 1891-07 Sept. 1979 Cistaceae USU UTC00009211 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt. Minshall, W. H. Morse, Larry E. 1938-06-30 1979-09 Cistaceae University of Alberta Museums 123323 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt. Turner, George H. | Moss, Ezra Henry | Fryer, J. Morse, Larry E. 1956-06-23 1979-09 Cistaceae University of Alberta Museums 82211 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt. Turner, George H. Morse, Larry E. 1947-06-25 1979-09 Cistaceae University of Alberta Museums 82214 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt. McCalla, William C. Morse, Larry E. 1926-06-21 1979-09 Cistaceae University of Alberta Museums 82210 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt. Turner, George H. Morse, Larry E. 1934-06-04 1979-09 Cistaceae University of Alberta Museums 82212 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt. Dumais, Madeline G. | Peterson, S. Morse, Larry E. 1970-06-26 1979-09 Cistaceae University of Alberta Museums 40767 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt. La Roi, George H. Morse, Larry E. 1964-06 1979-09 Cistaceae University of Alberta Museums 24127 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt. Turner, George H. Morse, Larry E. 1953-07-21 1979-09 Cistaceae University of Alberta Museums 82208 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt. Moss, Ezra Henry Morse, Larry E. 1938-08-10 1979-09 Cistaceae University of Alberta Museums 12721 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt. Moss, Ezra Henry Morse, Larry E. 1953-07-20 1979-09 Cistaceae University of Alberta Museums 12718 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt. McCalla, William C. Morse, Larry E. 1926-06-21 1979-09 Cistaceae University of Alberta Museums 82209 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt. Dumais, Madeline G. Morse, Larry E. 1973-05-10 1979-09 Cistaceae University of Alberta Museums 45165 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt. Dumais, Madeline G. Morse, Larry E. 1973-06-03 1979-09 Cistaceae University of Alberta Museums 45034 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt. Moss, Ezra Henry Morse, Larry E. 1947-06-28 1979-09 Cistaceae University of Alberta Museums 12720 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt. Breitung, August Julius Morse, Larry E. 1949-08-09 1979-09 Cistaceae University of Alberta Museums 22862 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt. Lamarre, G. Morse, Larry E. 1953-07-21 1979-09 Cistaceae University of Alberta Museums 82207 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificó Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt. Moss, Ezra Henry Morse, Larry E. 1948-09-10 1979-09 Cistaceae University of Alberta Museums 12719 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN